The Mythology of Disney’s Encanto: A Hero’s Journey Based on Curiosity and Care
In a divided country, we need more stories of curiosity and care. It is time to put aside our traditional ways of fixing things through strong martial powers. These are loud and often we cannot hear the quieter energies of the soul because of the clanking armor. It is clear we want to speak, listen, give, and receive compassion as a community. It is time to befriend the dragon, not kill it. In order to confront our history of abuses, colonialism, oppression, and violence, we have to embrace our shame and empower our curiosity. One way that we grow more powerful in these areas is by continuing to tell stories about souls who exhibit these types of caring and curious journeys, we need more Mirabels.
What is Myth?
Myth is not dead. Myth and mythic images surround us. But what exactly is myth?