“A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence.”

Rollo May

Story Consulting: The Campbell to your Lucas

“Myth” comes from the Greek word mŷthos meaning “utterance.” Over the years myth has come to mean many things, from falsehood to universal truth. At it’s simplest, mythology is the study of stories and why we still tell them.

What is a Mythologist?

Why hire a mythologist as a story consultant?

Why do we make a new Batman movie every few years? Why is Gilgamesh one of the first things we wrote down? Why do some stories just hit so right and why are others suddenly so popular?

These are questions a mythologist ponders. I don’t know why certain stories continue to be told, but I do know that some stories resonate. I offer one-on-one consultation on your storytelling projects. I help draw out mythological themes, archetypes, and deeper meanings.


I offer story consulting, coaching, development, and writing. I approach narrative through different lenses, such as archetypal, physiological, cultural practice, academic, mythical, and personal experiences. I deeply understand character, plot, emotion, and structure.

Story Consultation/Coaching

I help you tell the best story you can. I work with you to find the core and essence of your story. Weather its for a brand, marketable, a video or board game, a novel, or social media influencing at the base it’s a story.

Story Development

Books, TV, film, music, and games drive the market. There is so much amazing content. Their attention to story and character makes the best and most popular games and stories stand out. I work with you to draw out and build your worlds, lore, characters, dialogue and story.

Popular Culture and Myth

Mythology influances and infuses all of our popular culture. We find it in fandoms, comics, tv and films. The archtypes and tropes of myth make their way into comic con and Tumblr. I offer workshops, lectures and panels on mythology and popular culture.